Apromo Happenings
The Belgian Economic Mission to Australia | Signing Ceremony
23 October 2023
Apromo expresses its sincere gratitude to Ickx & Pralibel, Belgian Chocolate, for their exceptional partnership during the signing ceremony of the Belgian Economic Mission to Australia, presided over by Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid of Belgium.
It has been a pleasure to connect with the vibrant Belgian-Australian business community. This collaboration has been a testament to the power of international connections. Thanks for making this journey memorable!
- Monday 23 October 2023 at 17:30
- Gallery room on level two at the Four Seasons Hotel Sydney
- Presided over by Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid of Belgium.
#BEmissionAUS #partnership #BelgiumAustraliaConnection #RoyalVisit #belgianchocolate @pralibel #ickxchocolate