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16 January 2024

Shipping Delay Announcement
Dear Valued Customers,

We are writing to advise you of impending stock delays & shortages due to civil unrest & attacks on cargo ships in the Red Sea & Suez Canal. As well as delays domestically due to DP world & union action partial port closures affecting Australian ports.

We request your patience & understanding in this matter. These shipping delays are not exclusive to Apromo Trading Pty Ltd, yet we are trying our best to keep you in the loop.

Bringing you premium products from Europe & the UK across the Indian Ocean, unfortunately comes with a geographical hurdle, and we are currently experiencing further logistics issues resulting in stock delays and extension of ETAs.

The International delays are due to the Suez Canal & Red Sea being removed as a safe route for travel, following Iran-Israeli conflict and Cargo Ship attacks within the area. The United States of America and United Kingdom are taking action.

The avoidance of the Red Sea & Suez Canal has forced all cargo ships to detour through the Cape of Good Hope adding 14-21 days to their schedules & further delays at port. Forcing voyage through the Atlantic Ocean, on top of the usual Indian Ocean Voyage. Which brings additional domestic stock delays due to the international detour, forcing stock to unload at Perth/Melb prior to arrival in Syd port, instead of the regular reversed route.

There are further delays Domestically; caused by Maritime Union Industrial actions against working conditions and wages held against DP World, which have since escalated since ongoing partialport closure in September 2023. Though there has been a lack of engaging inproductive negotiations which is consequently resulting in no visible timeline for ports to be open & back at full capacity. Maritime Union actions & negotiations have come to a standstill; and DP World is requesting for government intervention and ports to return to full capacity.

The result of the DP world & Maritime Union Industrial actions comes with, Vessel delays, due to worsening port & terminal congestion. Vessel schedule changes, delivery delays, reduction in information being relayed to us.

Also noting that the extra voyage around the Cape of Good Hope as well as port closures & delays, will also be seen through inevitable price increases in our products, due to extra costs in logistics, storage, travel & surcharges that we are experiencing.

We are currently looking at delays around 14-21 days & will do our best to keep you well-informed.

For further information and insight on the current logistics crisis at hand, contact your Account Manager or customer service.

We appreciate your patience & understanding in this matter. Feel free to reach out with concerns & we can work through this together.

Kind Regards
Apromo Trading Management Team

More Information:
1. What is the Red Sea crisis, and what does it mean for global trade?
-> Article 1 Link
2. DP World port dispute: how damaging is this to Australia’s economy and will it push up prices?
-> Article 2 Link

Please contact customer service for more enquiries
(SYDNEY) 02 8017 2400 | (MELBOURNE) 03 9314 0167
8:45am – 4:30pm | Mon-Fri (excl. Public Holiday)

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